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Start Your Journey

Join our Summer Intensive, turn your passion for tech into skill.





All Star Code's Summer Intensive is a trans­form­ative experience designed to equip students with vital technical and professional skills.

Choose between the accelerated 3-week Tech Sprint or the comprehensive 6-week Tech Marathon, both offering live instruction, personalized support, and a collaborative community for students to jumpstart their journey in technology and innovation.

Select Your Program

3-Week Tech Sprint

Key Features

Intense coding instruction in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Workshops on problem-solving, critical thinking and tailored engagements with tech professionals and guest speakers.


Develop a solid foundation in coding and gain insights into the tech industry.

Target Audience

High-school age young men of color seeking a quick, immersive dive into tech.

Session One

July 7, 2025 - July 25, 2025

Session Two

July 28, 2025 – August 15, 2025

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6-Week Tech Marathon

Exclusive Advantages

Advanced Curriculum Explore sophisticated web development and software engineering.

Demo Day

A showcase of outstanding coding talent for partners, mentors, and donors.

Privileged Access to Industry Leaders

Gain invaluable insight into the professional tech world by visiting leading tech companies.

Leadership and Mentorship Opportunities

Build mentor-mentee relationships with industry experts by participating in unique roles within tech communities.


Acquire comprehensive coding skills, complete a significant project, and gain deeper industry insights.

Target Audience

Highly motivated students with an interest in computer science and technology.

Weekly Overview

1: JavaScript Fundamentals
2: Game Design
3: Web Design
4: Web Development
5: APIs and Databases
6: Demo Week


July 7, 2025 - August 15, 2025
*Limited to 50 Students

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